Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Menstrual Cycle Increases Risk of Injury" [New Research]

Yet another thing to blame on our menstrual cycle: sports injuries. But good news for women on the pill; the same study found it can help prevent injury.
Fig. Pills

Researchers from the University of Melbourne have found a woman is more likely to hurt her knees, feet and ankles at the beginning and middle of her period.
It's due to fluctuating oestrogen levels--lower levels at the beginning of a woman's cycle reduce muscle tone and co-ordination while higher levels on day 14 increase elasticity of the Achilles tendon and along with it, the risk of injury.
Two studies, involving 78 women, were conducted by the University of Melbourne over three years and the findings were recently published in medical journals.
The study found the contraceptive pill protects from injury because it limits oestrogen levels.
Podiatrist Simon Bartold from the University of Melbourne said this research could prove useful for female athletes and coaches.
"If we understand these things we can finally put strategies in place to try to protect female athletes," he said.
He said it also raised interesting questions about the role of the contraceptive pill in women's sport.
"There's now quite a global body of research saying that the pill actually is protective of injuries," he said.
"It protects you from injuries, it improves performance, improves muscle function."
Prevent injury with following stretches:

Walking Stretches

'Daily stretches to aid your walking routine'

For a balanced gait and fluid movement, flexibility is as important as strength is. These four stretches will help loosen you up. Hold each stretch for a slow count of 10; repeat three times. Aim to stretch every day.

Press Up

'Targets spine'Lie facedown with your hands under your shoulders. Push up with your arms, raising your head and chest off the floor while keeping your hips down. Only go as far as you can while remaining comfortable.

Chair Stretch

'Targets lower back'Sitting on the edge of a chair, bend at the waist, dropping your head and chest to your legs while reaching your hands towards your ankles. Keep your belly tight. Don't do this exercise if you have leg pain.

Quad Stretch

'Targets front of thighs and hips'Rest your left hand on a table or chair for support. Bend your right knee, bringing your right foot towards your bottom. Hold your foot there with your right hand. Aim your bent knee towards the floor. Repeat with your left leg.

Calf Stretch

'Targets lower legsStand about half a metre from a wall and place both hands on it. Step back with your left foot about 1 metre so that your right knee is bent and your left leg is straight. Keep your toes pointed straight ahead. Repeat with the right leg.

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